Saturday, 29 September 2012

“Tax proposals to assist business rescue regime and other relevant corporate tax issues"

UCT Graduate School of Business in association with Mazars and Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr is proud to present:
Di Seccombe, National Head of Tax training and Presentations with Mazars
who will address us on:
“Tax proposals to assist business rescue regime and other relevant corporate tax issues"
The head of SARS, Oupa Magashule, has acknowledged before Parliament's standing committee on finance that the low level of tax compliance by companies is "less than satisfactory”.
The newly promulgated Tax Administration Act includes provisions whereby financial managers and shareholders may be held liable for the tax debts of a company and greatly increases the ability SARS has to access information in respect of a company, its employees and shareholders.
Companies battling to stay afloat and entering into a business rescue plan find themselves penalised from a tax perspective.
Join us for a discussion that will focus on the above issues, and the highly anticipated proposals set out in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2012 aimed at reducing the negative tax consequences of the reduction of debt for less than its full value to assist taxpayers entering into a business rescue.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Your Invitation to the Africa Rising Business Breakfast

5 October, 2012
Your Invitation to the Africa Rising Business Breakfast

Venue - FNB Conference Centre | Grayston Drive | Sandton

Time - 7am to 11am | Tickets - R300 [ Limited Seats - Book Now ]

We are pleased to invite you to the AFRICA RISING BUSINESS BREAKFAST to learn about Building Wealth | Fresh approaches of doing business in Nigeria and to Network with fellow Entrepreneurs shaping the African business landscape.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Cut back, step down and engage in more meaningful alternatives

It's About Time has a dualistic meaning and connotation. Being directed at the executive population, personal age, stage and phase will place the emphasis either on about or time, depending where you are, and what you have achieved, caused and experienced. Join this session of We Read For You, where Prof Johann Coetzee, the author, will present this book.

When is enough actually enough?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Free Talk with Erik Venter, Comair's CEO 18 Sep

Leadership Conversations

Listen to some of the most influ­en­tial inspir­a­tional and lead­er­ship author­it­ies in South Africa today!
Energise and inspire your­self to improve pro­fes­sion­ally and unlock your poten­tial. Discover new lead­er­ship thoughts, prac­tical ideas and tools to help you increase your suc­cess.
The Regenesys Leadership Conversations is a meet­ing between lead­ers and indi­vidu­als seek­ing to learn about lead­er­ship; cre­ated to enable net­work­ing and know­ledge exchange and development.

Xtraordinary Women Networking Session - Southern Suburbs

Creative Ways To Keep Your Business Relevant


Sam Wilson, Digital Editor of Woolworths SA, will be speaking to us about some creative ideas to keep your business relevant.

Broadcasting to consumers is so last season. We are forever being told that content is king, that social media rocks and that you need to have 'conversations with customers'. Which is very easy to say, but what does it actually MEAN? Sam is going to try and explain. With as little jargon as possible.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Absa launches first SME Index in banking sector

Absa has gone a step further by launching the Absa SME Index aimed at providing valuable information on the current state of SMEs in the country and the level and challenges of employment in South Africa.

The financial services group has already demonstrated its commitment to the growth and development of small and media sized enterprises through the launch of its dedicated unit for Enterprise Development in 2011. Since then, Absa has been working on identifying useful tools and sources of information that would help with the development of SMEs and the creation of much needed jobs in South Africa.
The Absa SME Index data is extrapolated from Statistics South Africa’s information on various economic indicators that are issued regularly.

Absa Group’s Chief Executive for Retail and Business Banking (RBB) Bobby Malabie says with the data collected to measure the number of people that have been employed by companies versus the unemployment figures in the country over the last two decades, it’s quite evident that unemployment remains one of South Africa’s key challenges into the foreseeable future.

“This is especially rife in the youth category where unemployment is as high as 50% and its clearly unsustainable taking into consideration that we have 15 million people on social welfare, but only 7 million are taxpayers,” says Malabie.

The Absa SME Index also shows that while only about 270 000 out of the more than 1,9 million businesses employ five or more employees other than the owner, only 10% of those businesses employ more than 50 employees and that is less than 4% of all employees.

Mr Malabie says while it may be easy to say we need more businesses to employ more people, unfortunately there has been a consolidation of businesses (mergers, and partnerships) while others have been forced to close down due to high operating costs and other economic pressures.

“The Absa SME Index will provide valuable information that allows SMEs to make better and informed decisions with access to solid and reliable information that will help them to grow their businesses. The Absa SME index will also allow policy makers to make relevant policy decisions on SME development, high unemployment and job creation,’ he adds.

Economist Mike Schussler who worked on the Absa SME Index in partnership with Absa says the idea of the index is that one will get a quick overview from just one index on how SMEs are fairing.
Schussler notes with the latest data of the index that the Absa SME Index has dropped to its lowest level in 18 months as businesses feel the uncertainty that the cold winds of the world economy is bringing into South Africa.

Friday, 14 September 2012

BNI networking breakfast

We look forward to having Paul the Executive Director of BNI tell us more about BNI next week the 19th of September.

Please can I ask you to register:

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do you have a clear view of your business's future?

When: Thursday 25 October
Time: 07:30 – 11:00 (breakfast included)
Where: Regency Hyatt, Rosebank

Knowing what comes next delivers an unprecedented competitive edge for your business. At the Microstrategy Mobile BI Executive Forum, you'll learn how to get a perfect view of what your enterprise is doing now, and where it should be going in future.
Join us at this exclusive industry event, presented by Microstrategy in partnership with ITWeb, where Microstrategy's international and local experts will outline the latest trends in business intelligence, data analytics and forecasting, and showcase tools to deliver these more effectively – even across mobile platforms.
You will also hear case studies from local enterprises who have experienced marked returns on their investment in better BI, and get your hands on the latest BI and analytics solutions.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Nedbank Free Small Business Seminars 3 - 24 October 2012

Whether you are in the start-up phase of your business or already have an established business, you are invited to our Free Small Business Seminars.

The topics have been chosen to be practical and helpful for any stage of your business’s growth. Because at Nedbank we understand how practical advice can enable your business success.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Business Network Reunion

Business Network Reunion

Date: Wednesday 3 October 2012

Place: Encore Restaurant, Northlink College, Rothchild Boulevard, Panorama

Time: From 07:15 - 9:30 am

After many requests from networkers, we decided to hold a reunion. Catch up with old friends and connect with new business opportunities.
And this includes Business Networks famous two course breakfast.

As always we start off with everybody introducing themselves and what they do, so remember to bring enough business cards for interested parties.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012



 This meeting forms part of Central Library's anniversary celebrations -
60 years since it's formation and its  4th birthday in the Old Drill Hall.

Slovenian Business Delegation: Networking Opportunity – Johannesburg (25 & 26 Sept), Cape Town (27 Sept)

In my capacity as Honorary Consul of Slovenia I will be hosting a Slovenian business delegation in South Africa during the last week of September.

Slovenia’s geographical position in the heart of Europe and strong logistical and professional services make it an excellent hub from which to access Central and Eastern Europe with more than 300 million consumers. The Slovenian government recently announced a strong emphasis on trading with the high-growth BRICS countries, including South Africa which now represents the “S”.